Community Fundraisers

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Create your own fundraiser

Help support SCID Angels For Life Foundation by creating your own fundraiser to share with friends and family. Celebrate a Life Day or Memorial for your SCID Warrior. Create a holiday giving event or simply start your own birthday fundraiser. It is through the generous support from members of the SCID community that we are able to continue to support SCID families around the world. 

To start your own fundraiser, fill out the form below. Please, allow one week for your fundraiser to go live. 

Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
Email Address:
Title For your SCID Angels fundraiser:
Please provide a few sentences (2 to 4) which describe why you want to raise money for SCID Angels. This will be shown on your donation form.
Please upload a photo that represents your fundraiser. Photos should be in landscape orientation, approximately 1360 X 800 pixels and less than 1M file size.
Date you'd like your fundraiser to begin:
Date your fundraiser should end:
What is the goal ($amount) you'd like to raise. If you do not wish to have a set goal, enter 0 here:

SCID, Angels for Life Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and contributions are tax-deductible to the maximum extent allowed by IRS regulations. Our Federal Tax ID number is 26-2301379. Please consult your tax advisor to determine the tax-deductibility of your contribution.